
cover       Svante Janson, Tomasz Luczak and Andrzej Ruciński,
Random Graphs , Wiley, New York, 2000, 333+xi pp.
ISBN 0-471-17541-2
(see also errata)


  1. On matchings and hamiltonian cycles in subgraphs of random graphs, Annals of Discrete Math. 33 (1987) 171-185.
  2. On k-leaf connectivity of a random graph, J.Graph Theory 12 (1988) 1-10.
  3. The automorphisms group of random graphs with given number of edges, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 104 (1988) 441-449.
  4. Critical probability bounds for two-dimensional site percolation models, J.Physics A 21 (1988) 3131-3138 (with John C.Wierman).
  5. Maximal induced trees in sparse random graphs, Discrete Math. 72 (1988) 257-265 (with Zbigniew Palka).
  6. The chromatic number of random graphs at the double jump threshold, Combinatorica 9 (1989) 39-49 (with John C.Wierman).
  7. Counterexamples in AB percolation, J.Physics A 22 (1989) 185-191 (with John C.Wierman).
  8. On the number of sparse connected graphs, Random Structures & Algorithms 1 (1990) 171-174.
  9. Hamiltonian cycles in a class of random graphs: one step further, Proceedings of Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski, Andrzej Ruciński, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 53-63 (with Alan M.Frieze).
  10. An exponential bound for the probability of nonexistence of a specified subgraph in a random graph, Proceedings of Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski, Andrzej Ruciński, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 73-88 (with Svante Janson and Andrzej Rucinski).
  11. On the equivalence of two basic models of random graphs, Proceedings of Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski, Andrzej Rucinski, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 151-158.
  12. Components behavior near the critical point of the random graph process, Random Structures & Algorithms 1 (1990) 287-310.
  13. The phase transition in the evolution of random digraphs, J.Graph Theory 14 (1990) 217-223.
  14. Edge disjoint spanning trees in random graphs, Periodica Math. Hung. 21 (1990) 35-37 (with Alan M.Frieze).
  15. Stochastic structure and nonlinear dynamics of food webs: qualitative stability in a Lotka-Volterra cascade model, Proceedings of the Royal Society (London) ser B 240 (1990) 607-627 (with Joel E.Cohen, Charles M.Newman and Zhi Ming Zhou).
  16. Holes in random graphs, Discrete Appl.Math. 30 (1991) 213-219.
  17. Tree-matchings in graph processes, SIAM J.Discrete Math. 4 (1991) 107-120 (with Andrzej Rucinski).
  18. The chromatic number of random graphs, Combinatorica 11 (1991) 45-54.
  19. A note on the sharp concentration of the chromatic number of random graphs, Combinatorica 11 (1991) 295-297.
  20. Size and connectivity of the k-core of a random graph, Discrete Math. 91 (1991) 61-68.
  21. Stability of vertices in random Boolean cellular automata, Random Structures & Algorithms 2 (1991) 327-334 (with Joel E.Cohen).
  22. How to deal with unlabelled random graphs, J.Graph Theory 15 (1991) 303-316.
  23. Cycles in a random graph near the critical point, Random Structures & Algorithms 2 (1991) 421-440.
  24. When does the zero-one law hold? J.Amer.Math.Soc. 4 (1991) 451-468 (with Joel H. Spencer).
  25. On random subsets of projective spaces, Colloq.Math. LXII (1991) 353-356 (with Wojciech Kordecki).
  26. Cycles in random graphs, Discrete Math. 98 (1991) 231-236.
  27. First order properties of random posets, Order 8 (1991) 291-297.
  28. On the independence and chromatic numbers of random regular graphs, J.Combin.Th.Ser.B 54 (1992) 123-132 (with Alan M.Frieze).
  29. Trophic levels in community food webs, Evolutionary Ecology 6 (1992) 73-89 (with Joel E.Cohen).
  30. The evolution of random subgraphs of the cube, Random Structures & Algorithms 3 (1992) 55-90 (with Béla Bollobás, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  31. Subgraphs of large minimal degree, Random Graphs, vol. 2, (Alan M.Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, eds.), Wiley, New York (1992) 59-68 (with Paul Erdős and Joel H. Spencer).
  32. Sparse random graphs with a given degree sequence, Random Graphs, vol. 2, (Alan M.Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, eds.), Wiley, New York (1992) 165-182.
  33. Balanced extensions of sparse graphs, Proc. of IV Czechoslovak Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity, Prachatice, 1990 (Jaroslav Nesetril and Miroslav Fiedler, eds.), Annals of Discrete Math. 51 (1992) 191-203 (with Andrzej Ruciński).
  34. Components of random forests, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1 (1992) 35-52 (with Boris G.Pittel).
  35. Convex hulls of dense balanced graphs, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 41 (1992) 205-213 (with Andrzej Ruciński).
  36. Ramsey properties of random graphs, J.Combin.Th.Ser.B 56 (1992) 55-68 (with Bernd Voigt and Andrzej Ruciński).
  37. Giant components in three-parameter random directed graphs, Advances in Appl.Probab. 24 (1992) 845-857 (with Joel E.Cohen).
  38. Cycles in a uniform graph process, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1 (1992) 223-239 (with Jerzy Jaworski).
  39. The size of the largest hole in a random graph, Discrete Math. 112 (1993) 151-163.
  40. The birth of the giant component, Random Structures & Algorithms 4 (1993) 233-358 (with Svante Janson, Donald E.Knuth and Boris G.Pittel).
  41. Stratigraphy of a random acyclic directed graph: the size of trophic levels in the cascade model, Annals of Appl. Probab. 3 (1993) 403-420 (with Joel E.Cohen).
  42. Approximations with axis-aligned rectangles, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 710 (1993), 244-255 (with Paul Fischer, Klaus-Uwe Höffgen and Hanno Lefmann).
  43. Changes of leadership in a random graph process, Random Structures & Algorithms 5 (1994) 243-252 (with Paul Erdős).
  44. The structure of a random graph near the point of the phase transition, Tran.Amer.Math. Soc. 341 (1994) 721-748 (with Boris G.Pittel and John C.Wierman).
  45. On random generation of the symmetric group, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 2 (1993) 505-512 (with László Pyber).
  46. On Ramsey minimal graphs, Electronic J.Comb. 1 (1994) paper no.4.
  47. On the clique number of a random overlap graph, J.Appl.Probab. 31 (1994) 582-588 (with Zbigniew Palka).
  48. On the evolution of random Boolean functions, Extremal Problems for Finite Sets, Visegrád 1991 (Hungary), (Peter Frankl, Zoltan Füredi, Gyula O.H. Katona, Dezsö Miklós, eds.), Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 3 (1994) 137-156 (with Béla Bollobás, Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  49. On the k-diameter of k-regular k-connected graphs, Discrete Math. 133 (1994) 291-296 (with D.Frank Hsu).
  50. On the diameter and radius of random subgraphs of the cube, Random Structures & Algorithms 5 (1994) 627-648 (with Béla Bollobás and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  51. Independent transversal in sparse partite hypergraphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 3 (1994) 293-296 (with Paul Erdős and András Gyárfás).
  52. Phase transition phenomena in random discrete structures, Recent Trends in Discrete Mathematics (Walter Deuber, Hans-Jürgen Prömel, Bernd Voigt, eds.), Discrete Math. 136 (1994) 225-242.
  53. Sparse anti-Ramsey graphs, J.Combin.Th.Ser.B 63 (1995) 146-152 (with Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  54. Connectivity properties of random subgraphs of the cube, Random Structures & Algorithms 6 (1995) 221-230 (with Béla Bollobás and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  55. A note on the density of sum-free-sets, J.Combin.Th.Ser.A 70 (1995) 334-336.
  56. Convergence in homogeneous random graphs, Random Structures & Algorithms 6 (1995) 371-392 (with Saharon Shelah).
  57. The number of trees with a large diameter, J.Austral. Math.Soc. Ser A 58 (1995) 298-311.
  58. Turán's extremal problem in random graphs: forbidding even cycles, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 64 (1995) 273-287 (with Penny E. Haxell and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  59. The induced size-Ramsey number of cycles, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 4 (1995) 217-239 (with Penny E. Haxell and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  60. On sum-free sets of natural numbers, Resenhas IME-USP 2 (1995) 229-238.
  61. A note on triangle-free graphs, Random Discrete Structures, (David Aldous and Robin Pemantle, eds.), IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol.76, Springer Verlag, 1995, 117-120. (with Paul Erdős, Svante Janson and Joel H. Spencer)
  62. On the evolution of a random tournament, Discrete Math. 148 (1996) 311-316 (with Andrzej Ruciński, Jacek Gruszka).
  63. On induced Ramsey numbers for graphs with bounded maximum degree, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 66 (1996) 324-333 (with Vojtěch Rödl).
  64. Arithmetic progressions of length three in subsets of a random set, Acta Arithmetica LXXV (1996) 133-163 (with Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Vojtěch Rödl).
  65. Turán's extremal problem in random graphs: forbidding odd cycles, Combinatorica 16 (1996) 107-122 (with Penny E. Haxell and Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
  66. Random hypergraphs, Combinatorics, Paul Erdős is Eighty, vol.2 (Dezsö Miklós, Vera T.Sós, Tamás Szõnyi, eds.), Budapest, 1996, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 2, 283-293 (with Michał Karoński).
  67. The phase transition in a random graph, Combinatorics, Paul Erdős is Eighty, vol.2 (Dezsö Miklós, Vera T.Sós, Tamás Szõnyi, eds.), Budapest, 1996, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 2, 399-422.
  68. Ramsey-type results for oriented trees, J.Graph Theory 22 (1996) 1-8 (with Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Vojtěch Rödl).
  69. On strongly sum-free subsets of abelian groups, Colloq.Math. LXXI (1996) 149-151 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  70. Graphs in which each C4 spans K4, Discrete Math. 154 (1996) 263-268 (with Paul Erdős and András Gyárfás).
  71. Large subgraphs of minimal density or degree, J.Combin.Math. and Combin.Computing 22 (1996) 87-96 (with Paul Erdős, Ralph Faudree and Arun Jagota).
  72. A note on restricted vertex Ramsey numbers, Periodica Math. Hung. 33 (1996) 101-104 (with Sebastian Urbanski).
  73. Graphs without small odd cycles are nearly bipartite, Discrete Math. 163 (1997) 279-284 (with Ervin Györi and Alexandr V.Kostochka).
  74. Dense difference sets and their combinatorial structure, Mathematics of Paul Erdős, Proceedings of Prague Conference, Springer-Verlag, 1997, 165-175 (with Vitaly Bergelson, Paul Erdős, Neil Hindman).
  75. On the fractional dimension of sets of continued fractions, Mathematika 44 (1997) 50-53.
  76. The number of sparsely edges connected uniform hypergraphs, Discrete Math. 171 (1997) 153-168 (with Michał Karoński).
  77. On K4-free subgraphs of random graphs, Combinatorica 17 (1997) 173-213 (with Yoshiharu Kohayakawa and Vojtěch Rödl).
  78. A suboptimal lossy data compression based on an approximate pattern matchings, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43 (1997) 1439-1451 (with Wojciech Szpankowski).
  79. Convergence of probabilities for the second order monadic properties of a random mapping, Random Structures & Algorithms 11 (1997) 277-295 (with Lubos Thoma).
  80. On infinite sum-free sets of natural numbers, J.Number Theory 66 (1997) 211-224 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  81. On a parallel randomized algorithm for finding a maximal independent set in a linear hypergraph, J.Algorithms 25 (1997) 311-320 (with Edyta Szymanska).
  82. Independent finite sums in graphs defined on the natural numbers, Discrete Math. 181 (1998) 289-294 (with Vojtěch Rödl and Tomasz Schoen).
  83. Endomorphisms of partially ordered sets, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7 (1998) 33-46 (with Dwight Duffus, Vojtěch Rödl and Andrzej Ruciński).
  84. A greedy algorithm for estimating the height of random trees, SIAM J.Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 318-329.
  85. Small bases for finite groups, Colloq.Math. LXXVIII (1998) 35-37 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  86. Biased positional games on hypergraphs, Studia Scientarum Matematicarum Hung. 34 (1998) 141-149 (with Dwight Duffus and Vojtěch Rödl).
  87. Random trees and random graphs, Random Structures & Algorithms 13 (1998) 485-500.
  88. Partitioning two-coloured complete graphs into monochromatic cycles, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7 (1998) 423-436 (with Vojtěch Rödl and Endre Szemerédi).
  89. On the connectivity of random subsets of projective spaces, Discrete Math. 196 (1999) 207-217 (with Wojciech Kordecki).
  90. R(Cn,Cn,Cn) < (4+o(1))n, J.Combin.Th.Ser.B 75 (1999) 174-187.
  91. On the minimum number of edges giving maximum oriented chromatic number. In Contemporary Trends in Discrete Mathematics (Ronald L. Graham, Jan Kratochvil, Jaroslav Nesetril, Fred S. Roberts, eds.), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 49, AMS, 1999, 179-182 (with Alexandr V. Kostochka, Gábor Simonyi and Eric Sopena).
  92. A note on the maximum automorphism group of self-complementary graphs, Mathematica Slovaka 50 (2000) 17-24.
  93. Embedding trees into graphs of large girth, Discrete Math. 216 (2000) 273-278 (with Penny E. Haxell).
  94. On triangle-free random graphs, Random Structures & Algorithms 16 (2000) 260-276.
  95. On the maximal density of sum-free sets, Acta Arithmetica XCV (2000) 225-229 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  96. Biased positional games for which random strategies are nearly optimal, Combinatorica 20 (2000) 477-488 (with Małgorzata Bednarska).
  97. Biased positional games and the phase transition, Random Structures & Algorithms 18 (2001) 141-152 (with Małgorzata Bednarska).
  98. On the number of maximal sum-free sets, Proc.Amer.Math.Soc. 129 (2001) 2205-2207 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  99. On minimal vertex Folkman graphs, Discrete Math. 236 (2001) 245-262 (with Andrzej Ruciński and Sebastian Urbański).
  100. Sum-free sets in abelian groups, Israel J. Math. 125 (2001) 347-367 (with Vsevolod F. Lev and Tomasz Schoen).
  101. Sum-free subsets of right cancellative semigroups, European J. Combin. 22 (2001) 999-1002 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  102. Vertex Ramsey properties of families of graphs, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 84 (2002) 240-248 (with Andrzej Ruciński and Sebastian Urbański).
  103. The phase transition in a random hypergraph, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 142 (2002) 125-135 (with Michał Karoński).
  104. On induced Ramsey numbers, Discrete Math. 251 (2002) 87-96 (with Izolda Gorgol).
  105. Ramsey numbers for trees of small maximum degree, Combinatorica 22 (2002) 287-320 (with Penny E. Haxell and Peter W.Tingley).
  106. On the discrepancy of combinatorial rectangles, Random Structures & Algorithms 21 (2002) 205-215 (with Noga Alon, Benjamin Doerr, and Tomasz Schoen).
  107. Ramsey properties of families of graphs, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 86 (2002) 413-419 (with Ronald Graham, Vojtěch Rödl and Andrzej Ruciński).
  108. Solution-free sets for linear equations, J.Number Theory 102 (2003) 11-22 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  109. Quantum walks on cycles, Physics Letters A 317 (2003) 21-25 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  110. Edge weights and vertex colours, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 91 (2004) 151-157 (with Michał Karoński and Andrew G. Thomason).
  111. A note on projective graphs, J.Graph Theory 47 (2004) 81-86 (with Jaroslav Nešetřil).
  112. Claw-free 3-connected P11-free graphs are hamiltonian, J.Graph Theory 47 (2004) 111-121 (with Florian Pfender).
  113. Pancyclicity of 3-connected graphs:pairs of forbidden subgraphs, J.Graph Theory 47 (2004) 183-202 (with Ronald J. Gould and Florian Pfender).
  114. A note on unique representation bases for the integers, Funct. Approx. Comment. Math. 32 (2004) 67-70 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  115. Quasiperiodic dynamics of a quantum walk on the line, Phys. Rev. Letters 93 (2004) 180601 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  116. Examples of nonuniform limiting distributions for the quantum walks on even cycles, International Journal of Quantum Information 2 (2004) 453-460 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  117. Torpid mixing of the Wang-Swendsen-Kotecký algorithm for sampling colorings, J.Discrete Algorithms 3 (2005) 92-100 (with Eric Vigoda).
  118. Mobile mixing, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3506 (2005), 380-393 (with Marcin Gogolewski and Mirosław Kutyłowski).
  119. Phase transition phenomena in random discrete structures. Proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Mathematics, Stockholm, 2004 (A. Laptev, ed.), European Math. Soc., Zurich (2005) 257-268.
  120. Unmodulated spin chains as universal quantum wires, Phys. Review A 72 (2005) 034303 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  121. The Ramsey number for hypergraph cycles I, J.Combin.Th.Ser.A 113 (2006) 67-83 (with Penny E.Haxell, Yuejian Peng, Vojtěch Rödl, Andrzej Ruciński, Miklós Simonovits, Jozef Skokan).
  122. The phase transition in the cluster-scaled model of a random graph, Random Structures & Algorithms 28 (2006) 215-246 (with Malwina J. Luczak).
  123. Constructive upper bounds for cycle-saturated graphs of minimum size, Electronic J.Comb. 13 (2006) #R29, 1-19. (with Ronald J. Gould and John R. Schmitt).
  124. The connectivity threshold for the min-degree random graph, Random Structures & Algorithms 29 (2006) 105-120 (with Mihyun Kang, Youngmee Koh, and Sangwook Ree).
  125. When is a random graph projective?, European J. Combin. 27 (2006) 1147-1154 (with Jaroslav Nešetřil).
  126. On the structure of triangle-free graphs of large minimum degree, Combinatorica 26 (2006) 489-493.
  127. Regularity and randomness, Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid, 22-30 August 2006, (Marta Sanz-Solé, Javier Soria, Juan Luis Varona, Joan Verdera, eds.), EMS Publishing House, 2006, 899-910.
  128. Protean graphs, Internet Mathematics 3 (2006) 21-40 (with Pawel Pralat).
  129. A probabilistic approach to the dychotomy problem, SIAM J.Computing 36 (2006) 835-843 (with Jaroslav Nesetril).
  130. Distributed time-stamping with boomerang onions, Tatra Mt. Math. Publ. 33 (2006) 31-40 (with Marcin Gogolewski and Mirosław Kutyłowski).
  131. Multiuser quantum communication networks, Phys. Review A 75 (2007) 022330 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Pawe³ Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  132. The Ramsey number for a triple of long even cycles, J.Combin.Th. Ser.B 97 (2007) 584-596 (with Agnieszka Figaj).
  133. First order definability of trees and sparse random graphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 16 (2007) 375-400 (with Tom Bohman, Alan M. Frieze, Oleg Pikhurko, Clifford Smyth, Joel H. Spencer, and Oleg Verbitsky).
  134. Self-stabilizing population of mobile agents, 22nd IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, 2008, 1-8; DOI: 10.1109/IPDPS.2008.4536301 (with Zbigniew Gołêbiewski, Mirosław Kutyłowski, Filip Zagórski).
  135. On the minimum degree forcing F-free graphs to be (nearly) bipartite, Discrete Math. 308 (2008) 3998-4002 (with Miklós Simonovits).
  136. Nonatomic submeasures on N, Archiv der Mathematik 91 (2008) 76-85 (with Lech Drewnowski).
  137. On a problem of Konyagin, Acta Arithmetica CCXXXIV (2008) 101-109 (with Tomasz Schoen).
  138. Nonatomic submeasures on N. II, J. Math. Anal. Appl 347 (2008) 424-449 (with Lech Drewnowski).
  139. Stable Kneser hypergraphs and ideals in N with the Nikodým property, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 137 (2009) 467-471 (with Noga Alon and Lech Drewnowski).
  140. The Ramsey number for hypergraph cycles II, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 18 (2009) 165-203 (with Penny E.Haxell, Yuejian Peng, Vojtěch Rödl, Andrzej Ruciński, and Jozef Skokan).
  141. Colorful flowers, Topology and its Applications 156 (2009) 1386-1395 (with Christian Avart, Peter Komjáth, and Vojtěch Rödl).
  142. Nonatomic submeasures on N. III, Archiv der Mathematik 92 (2009) 377-382 (with Lech Drewnowski).
  143. Critical graphs for subpancyclicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs, J.Graph Theory 62 (2009) 263-278 (with Ronald J. Gould and Florian Pfender).
  144. The critical behavior of random digraphs, Random Structures & Algorithms 35 (2009) 271-293 (with Taral Guldahl Seierstad).
  145. Vicarious graphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 19 (2010) 819-827 (with Andrew G.Thomason).
  146. Chasing robbers on random graphs: zigzag theorem, Random Structures & Algorithms 37 (2010) 516-524 (with Pawel Pralat).
  147. Large cliques in a power-law random graph, J. Applied Probab. 47 (2010) 1124-1135 (with Svante Janson and Ilkka Norros).
  148. On families of weakly dependent random variables. In Marcinkiewicz Centenary Volume (Marek Nawrocki, Witold Wnuk, eds.), Banach Center Publications 95 (2011) 123-132.
  149. On the multi-coloured Ramsey numbers of cycles, J.Graph Theory 69 (2012) 169-175 (with Miklós Simonovits, Jozef Skokan).
  150. Trapping a particle of a quantum walk on the line, Phys. Review A 85 (2012) 012329 (with Małgorzata Bednarska, Tomasz Gdala, Andrzej Grudka, Paweł Kurzyński, and Antoni Wójcik).
  151. Monochromatic cycles and the monochromatic circumference in 2-coloured graphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 21 (2012) 57-87 (with Fabricio Benevides, Alex Scott, Jozef Skokan, and Matthew White).
  152. On even-degree subgraphs of linear hypergraphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 21 (2012) 113-127 (with Domingos Dellamonica Jr., Penny E.Haxell, Dhruv Mubayi, Brendan Nagle, Yury A. Person, Vojtěch Rödl, Mathias Schacht, and Jacques Verstraëte).
  153. Two critical periods in the evolution of random planar graphs, Tran. Amer. Math. Soc. 364 (2012) 4239-4265 (with Mihyun Kang).
  154. Conflict-free colorings of simple hypergraphs with few edges, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 21 (2012) 611-622 (with Alexandr V.Kostochka and Mohit Kumbhat).
  155. On matchings in hypergraphs, Electronic J.Comb. 19,2 (2012) P42 (with Peter Frankl and Katarzyna Mieczkowska).
  156. Tree-minimal graphs are almost regular, J. Combin. 3 (2012) 50-62 (with Domingos Dellamonica Jr., Penny E. Haxell, Dhruv Mubayi, Brendan Nagle, Yury A. Person, Vojtěch Rödl, and Mathias Schacht).
  157. Bootstrap percolation on the random graph Gn,p, Annals Appl. Probab. 22,5 (2012) 1989-2047 (with Svante Janson, Tatyana Turova, and Thomas Vallier).
  158. Limit measures of inhomogeneous discrete-time quantum walks in one dimension, Quantum Information Processing 12 (2013) 33-53 (with Norio Konno and Etsuo Segawa).
  159. Perfect matchings in random intersection graphs, Acta Mathematica Hungarica 138 (2013) 15-33 (with Minduagas Bloznelis).
  160. Collapsibility and vanishing of top homology random simplicial complexes, Discrete and Computational Geometry 49,2 (2013) 317-334 (with Lior Aronshtam, Nati Linial, and Roy Meshulam).
  161. On Erdős' extremal problem on matchings in hypergraphs, J. Combin. Theory, Ser A. 124 (2014) 178-194 (with Katarzyna Mieczkowska).
  162. Collapse of random triangular groups: a closer look, Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. 46 (2014) 761-764 (with Sylwia Antoniuk and Jacek Świątkowski).
  163. On generalized shift graphs, Fundamenta Mathematicae 226 (2014) 173-199 (with Christian Avart and Vojtěch Rödl).
  164. Random triangular groups at density 1/3, Compositio Mathematica 151 (2015) 167-178 (with Sylwia Antoniuk and Jacek Świątkowski).
  165. Hamilton cycles in random lifts of graphs, European J. Combinatorics 49 (2015) 105-116 (with Łukasz Witkowski and Marcin Witkowski).
  166. Highly connected monochromatic subgraphs of two-colored complete graphs , J. Combin. Theory, Ser B. 117 (2016) 88-92.
  167. Picker-Chooser fixed graph games, J. Combin. Theory, Ser B. 119 (2016) 122-154 (with Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdęga and Dan Hefetz).
  168. Manipulative waiters with probabilistic intuition, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 25 (2016) 823-849 (with Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdęga, Dan Hefetz, and Michael Krivelevich).
  169. On the multicolor Ramsey number for 3-paths of length three, Electronic J.Comb. 24 (2017) P1.27 (with Joanna Polcyn).
  170. On maximal tail probability of sums of nonnegative, independent and identically distributed random variables, Statistics and Probability Letters 129 (2017) 12-16 (with Katarzyna Mieczkowska and Matas Šileikis).
  171. A sharp threshold for collapse of the random triangular group, Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics 11 (2017) 879-890 (with Sylwia Antoniuk and Ehud Friedgut).
  172. Integral homology of random simplicial complexes, Discrete and Computational Geometry 59 (2018) 131-142 (with Yuval Peled).
  173. On multicolor Ramsey numbers for loose k-paths of length three, European J. Combin. 71 (2018) 43-50 (with Joanna Polcyn and Andrzej Ruciński).
  174. The multipartite Ramsey number for the 3-path of length three, Discrete Math. 341 (2018) 1270-1274 (with Joanna Polcyn).
  175. On the diameter of Kronecker graphs, Discrete Math. 341 (2018) 3165-3173 (with Justyna Banaszak).
  176. Anagram-free colourings of graphs, Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 27 (2018) 623-642 (with Nina Kamčev and Benny Sudakov).
  177. A tale of stars and cliques, J. Combin. Theory, Ser A. 160 (2018) 111-135 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
  178. The Ramsey number for a triple of long cycles, Combinatorica 38 (2018) 827-845 (with Agnieszka Figaj).
  179. Asymmetry and structural information in preferential attachment graphs, Rand. Struct. Alg. 55 (2019) 696-718 (with Abram Magner and Wojciech Szpankowski).
  180. Paths in hypergraphs: a rescaling phenomenon, SIAM J. Disc. Math. 33 (2019) 2251-2266 (with Joanna Polcyn).
  181. On Shelp's problem for three odd long cycles, J. Combin. Theory, Ser.B. 143 (2020) 1-15 (with Zahra Rahimi).
  182. Andrásfai and Vega graphs in Ramsey-Turán theory, J. Graph Theory 98 (2021) 57-80 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
  183. On the Ramsey-Turán density of triangles, Combinatorica 42 (2022) 115-136 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
  184. Long monochromatic even cycles in 3-edge-coloured graphs of large minimum degree, J. Graph Theory 99 (2022) 691-714 (with Zahra Rahimi).
  185. The Ramsey number of a long even cycle versus a star, J. Combin. Theory, Ser.B. 162 (2023) 144--153 (with Peter Allen, Joanna Polcyn, and Yanbo Zhang).