Hamiltonian cycles in a class of random graphs: one step further,
of Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski,
Andrzej Ruciński, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 53-63 (with Alan
An exponential bound for the probability of nonexistence of a
subgraph in a random graph, Proceedings of
Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski,
Andrzej Ruciński, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 73-88 (with Svante Janson
and Andrzej Rucinski).
On the equivalence of two basic models of random graphs, Proceedings
of Random Graphs'87, (Michał Karoński, Jerzy Jaworski,
Rucinski, eds.), Wiley, Chichester 1990, 151-158.
Components behavior near the critical point of the random graph
process, Random
Structures & Algorithms1 (1990) 287-310.
The phase transition in the evolution of random digraphs, J.Graph
Theory14 (1990) 217-223.
Subgraphs of large minimal degree, Random
Graphs, vol. 2, (Alan
M.Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, eds.), Wiley, New York (1992) 59-68 (with Paul
Erdős and Joel
H. Spencer).
Sparse random graphs with a given degree sequence, Random
Graphs, vol. 2, (Alan M.Frieze, Tomasz Luczak, eds.),
New York (1992) 165-182.
Balanced extensions of sparse graphs, Proc.
of IV Czechoslovak Symposium on Combinatorics, Graphs and Complexity,
Prachatice, 1990 (Jaroslav Nesetril and Miroslav Fiedler, eds.), Annals of Discrete Math. 51 (1992)
(with Andrzej Ruciński).
Stratigraphy of a random acyclic directed graph: the size of
levels in the cascade model, Annals
of Appl. Probab.3 (1993) 403-420 (with Joel
On the evolution of random Boolean functions, Extremal
Problems for Finite Sets, Visegrád 1991
(Hungary), (Peter
Frankl, Zoltan Füredi, Gyula O.H. Katona, Dezsö
Miklós, eds.), Bolyai Society
Mathematical Studies 3 (1994) 137-156 (with Béla
Bollobás,Yoshiharu Kohayakawa).
On sum-free sets of natural numbers, Resenhas IME-USP2 (1995) 229-238.
A note on triangle-free graphs, Random
Discrete Structures, (David Aldous and Robin Pemantle,
IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications, vol.76, Springer
1995, 117-120. (with Paul Erdős,Svante
Janson and Joel H. Spencer)
Random hypergraphs, Combinatorics,
Paul Erdős is
Eighty, vol.2 (Dezsö Miklós, Vera
T.Sós, Tamás
Szõnyi, eds.), Budapest,
1996, Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 2, 283-293
(with Michał Karoński).
The phase transition in a random graph, Combinatorics,
Paul Erdős is Eighty, vol.2 (Dezsö
Miklós, Vera T.Sós, Tamás
Szõnyi, eds.), Budapest, 1996, Bolyai Society Mathematical
Studies 2, 399-422.
Dense difference sets and their combinatorial structure, Mathematics of Paul Erdős,
Proceedings of Prague Conference, Springer-Verlag,
1997, 165-175 (with Vitaly Bergelson,Paul
Erdős,Neil Hindman).
On the fractional dimension of sets of continued fractions, Mathematika44 (1997) 50-53.
On the minimum number of edges giving maximum oriented chromatic
In Contemporary Trends in Discrete
Mathematics (Ronald L. Graham, Jan Kratochvil, Jaroslav
Nesetril, Fred S. Roberts,
eds.), DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer
vol. 49, AMS, 1999, 179-182 (with Alexandr
V. Kostochka,Gábor Simonyi
and Eric Sopena).
A note on the maximum automorphism group of self-complementary
graphs, Mathematica Slovaka50 (2000)
Phase transition phenomena in random discrete structures. Proceedings
of the 4th European Congress of Mathematics, Stockholm,
2004 (A. Laptev, ed.), European Math. Soc., Zurich (2005)
On the structure of triangle-free graphs of large minimum degree, Combinatorica26 (2006) 489-493.
Regularity and randomness, Proceedings
of the International Congress of Mathematicians,
Madrid, 22-30 August 2006, (Marta Sanz-Solé, Javier Soria,
Juan Luis Varona, Joan Verdera, eds.),
EMS Publishing House, 2006, 899-910.
On families of weakly dependent random variables.
In Marcinkiewicz Centenary Volume (Marek Nawrocki, Witold Wnuk, eds.),
Banach Center Publications 95 (2011) 123-132.
Random triangular groups at density 1/3,
Compositio Mathematica151 (2015) 167-178
(with Sylwia Antoniuk and Jacek Świątkowski).
Hamilton cycles in random lifts of graphs,
European J. Combinatorics49 (2015) 105-116 (with Łukasz Witkowski and Marcin Witkowski).
Highly connected monochromatic subgraphs of two-colored complete graphs ,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser B.117 (2016) 88-92.
Picker-Chooser fixed graph games,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser B.119 (2016) 122-154
(with Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdęga and Dan Hefetz).
Manipulative waiters with probabilistic intuition,
Probability & Computing25 (2016) 823-849 (with Małgorzata Bednarska-Bzdęga,
Dan Hefetz, and Michael Krivelevich).
On the multicolor Ramsey number for 3-paths of length three,
Electronic J.Comb.24 (2017) P1.27
(with Joanna Polcyn).
On maximal tail probability of sums of nonnegative,
independent and identically distributed random variables,
Statistics and
Probability Letters129 (2017) 12-16
(with Katarzyna Mieczkowska and Matas Šileikis).
A sharp threshold for collapse of the random triangular group,
Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics11 (2017) 879-890
(with Sylwia Antoniuk and Ehud Friedgut).
A tale of stars and cliques,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser A.160
(2018) 111-135 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
The Ramsey number for a triple of long cycles,
Combinatorica38 (2018) 827-845
(with Agnieszka Figaj).
Asymmetry and structural
information in preferential attachment graphs, Rand. Struct. Alg.
(2019) 696-718 (with Abram Magner and Wojciech Szpankowski).
Paths in hypergraphs: a rescaling phenomenon, SIAM J. Disc. Math.
(2019) 2251-2266 (with Joanna Polcyn).
On Shelp's problem for three odd long cycles,
J. Combin. Theory, Ser.B. 143 (2020) 1-15 (with Zahra Rahimi).
Andrásfai and Vega graphs in Ramsey-Turán theory, J. Graph Theory
98 (2021)
57-80 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
On the Ramsey-Turán density of triangles,
Combinatorica 42 (2022)
115-136 (with Joanna Polcyn and Christian Reiher).
Long monochromatic even cycles in 3-edge-coloured graphs of large minimum degree,
J. Graph Theory 99 (2022)
691-714 (with Zahra Rahimi).
The Ramsey number of a long even cycle versus a star, J. Combin. Theory, Ser.B.
(2023) 144--153 (with Peter Allen, Joanna Polcyn, and Yanbo Zhang).